2010년 10월 17일 일요일

The Invention of the Flushing Toilet

       I think the greatest invention ever is the flushing toilet. The flushing toilet was invented by Sir. John Harrington in 1596 in England. I will tell you why I think this is the greatest invention.

First of all, it is one of the most essential things that people need. Everyone uses the flushing toilet several times everyday and it is hard to live well without it. The second reason is because of its convenience. The only thing people need to do to dispose of the excreta is to just push the lever down. What a comfortable and clean idea! In  addition, the invention of  the flushing toilet has liberated people from bad smells and sewage. Imagine the world without this. Before the flushing toilet was invented, people dug in the ground and excreted, or they excreted in the river. Even the aristocrat, who is the symbol of grace, did it. People would also use a chamber pot. If it was full of the excreta, they threw it out the window. To avoid the excreta, people would wear high heels. Finally, the invention of the flushing toilet improved the publics hygiene. Because there no human excreta was contained in sewers after the toilet was invented, cities became cleaner than before, and the occurrence of infectious diseases decreased. For these reasons, I think that the flushing toilet is the greatest invention of all. 

If you want to know about the John Harington, click this link.